Ploughing 2017

September may mark a return to schools, routine and the fall of the year but it also means its Ploughing time. What this means to many rural Irish residents is a day out/day off school, an opportunity to meet old friends, make new acquaintances and just generally enjoy the craic that comes with life in the Irish countryside! For these three days in the third week in September, you can be sure of a few (more…)

Slieve Blooms, Glinsk Castle Loop

The view across the Glenregan Valley…still quite beautiful for a misty January day! With New Year resolutions enthusiastically ruling January weekends, I found myself returning to explore the Slieve Bloom mountains following a lovely time spent there in the summer and eh… the warm sunny weather! Turning off the old N7 Dublin -Limerick road just before Roscrea at Killavilla, the road starts to wind uphill and on this misty, overcast Sunday, the views across the (more…)

Slieve Bloom Mountains, Glenafelly Walk

Going for a Sunday Drive as a child, usually involved being squashed into the back of the car with my brother and cousins, fighting for a window seat or at least to be able to stand between Mammy and Daddy’s front seat (would you ever see the like of it today!) and heading up the Slieve Blooms. I don’t seem to remember these Sunday Drives taking place in cold weather, only roasting hot sunny days (more…)